Celebrate the world's favorite space-and-time-traveling adventurer with Titan Merchandise’s TITANS!
Three sets of blindboxed figures are currently available (with more on the way) – the three sets are:
Wave 1 - 11th Doctor Series
“Celebrate the world's favourite space-and-time-traveling adventurer with this unique collaboration between the BBC and Titan Merchandise - a multiverse of figures to collect! This 16-character set is based on the BBC's hit television series Doctor Who and includes Matt Smith's eleventh Doctor, his amazing time-and-spacecraft, the TARDIS, and some of his notorious foes including the supremely evil Daleks and the inhuman Cybermen.”
Figures included in this series are: The 11th Doctor, The TARDIS, an Ood, a Silent, a Silurian, a Judoon, a Cyberman, and Strategist, Scientist, Drone, Eternal and Supreme Daleks, - with a blue shirted 11th Doctor, ‘House Possessed’ TARDIS, Damaged Cyberman and Nephew with glowing orb as chase variants
Wave 1 TITANS are available to purchase from: Forbidden Planet in the UK and Europe, and and Think Geek and Entertainment Earth in the US!
Wave 2 – 10th Doctor Series
“Celebrate the world's favorite space-and-time-traveling adventurer with this 10th Doctor set of Doctor Who TITANS - the latest in our multiverse of figures to collect! This 12 character set features David Tennant's 10th Doctor, his amazing time-traveling spaceship the TARDIS and some of his most notorious foes, including the fearsome Daleks, a battle-hungry Sontaran, the chilling Vashta Nerada, the unnerving Clockwork Robot and the ruthlessly inhuman Cyber Leader.”
Figures included in this series are: The 10th Doctor, the 10th Doctor’s TARDIS, a Vashta Nerada infested spacesuit, an Adipose, a Weeping Angel, a Clockwork Robot, a Cyber Leader, Davros, a Bronze Dalek, Dalek Sec and a Sontaran – with 10th Doctor as John Smith, Clockwork Robot in alternate outfit, Christmas Wreath TARDIS, Assault Dalek and End Of Time 10th Doctor as chase variants
Wave 2 TITANS are available to purchase from: Forbidden Planet in the UK and Europe, and Think Geek and Entertainment Earth in the US!
Wave 3 – All 11 Doctors Series
“Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the world's favourite space-and-time-travelling adventurer with the latest range of TITANS from the BBC and Titan Merchandise - a multiverse of figures to collect! This 11 character 50th Anniversary set is based upon the BBC's unique hit TV show and includes ALL numbered Doctors to date - from 1963's First Doctor to 2013's Eleventh Doctor!”
Figures included in this series are: All numbered Doctors from 1 to 11 - with variant 4th, 9th and 10th Doctors as chase variants.
Wave 3 TITANS are available to purchase from: Forbidden Planet in the UK and Europe, and Entertainment Earth in the US!
Wave 4 – The 11th Doctor “Geronimo!” Collection – Due out in May
“Celebrate the world's favorite space-and-time-traveling adventurer with the latest range of TITANS from Titan Entertainment - a multiverse of figures to collect! Our second collection devoted to the 11th Doctor, this range of 3" blind-boxed TITANS features (by popular demand) ALL of the 11th Doctor's companions, The War Doctor (played by John Hurt) from the 50th Anniversary Special, the newly-redesigned Cyberman from "Nightmare in Silver" and the Doctor's ever-ready, uncompromising ally Strax.”
Figures included in this series are: The 11th Doctor, The Monster Doctor, The War Doctor, a Zygon, Rory as The Last Centurion, Amy, Clara as Oswin Oswald, a Cyberman, a Whisperman, an Ice Warrior and Strax - with Cyber Doctor, Rory variant, Amy variant, Clara variant and 11th Doctor Variant as chase variants
Wave 3 TITANS are available to purchase from: Forbidden Planet in the UK and Europe, and Entertainment Earth in the US!
And that’s not all!
As well as the blind boxed series - also available are TITANS in a variety of sizes:
Available now are the 9th Doctor, 10th Doctor, 11th Doctor, The TARDIS and a Weeping Angel as 6.5” TITANS!
Available in both regular and Glow-In-The Dark Editions is the Statue Of Liberty Weeping Angel 8” TITAN
Coming Soon- the New Dalek Paradigm, the 10th Doctor in his Coat and the 11th Doctor in his Series 7 Costume 6.5” TITANS
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